1. Simple, interesting and versatile QRP SSB HF transceiver with embedded DSP and SDR functions;
2. EER Class-E drives SSB transmission class
3. Use 13.8V power supply to output about 5W PEP SSB
4. Full mode support: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM (SSB mode has good receiving effect, but poor transmitting effect. AM and FM mode are gift power, poor effect)
5. DSP filters: 4000, 2500, 1700, 500, 200, 100, 50 Hz passband
6. DSP functions: Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Noise Reduction (NR), Voice Trigger Xmit, RX Attenuator (ATT), TX Noise Gate, TX Drive control, volume control, dBm/S meter.
7. SSB to sideband/carrier suppression transmit: better than -45dBc, IMD3 (dual tone) -33dBc, receive: better than -50dBc
8. Multi-band support, continuously adjustable through 80m-10m frequency band (starting from 20kHz~99MHz, performance loss)
9. Open source firmware, built with Arduin0 IDE; allows experimentation, new features can be added, contributions can be shared via Github, software complexity: 2000 lines of code
10. Software based Voice Trigger Xmit can be used as fast full control (QSK and half QSK operation) or auxiliary RX/TX switching to operate digital mode (no need CAT or PTT interface), external PTT output/PA control with TX-delay
11. Simple installation modification with 8 component changes and 8 wires
12. Lightweight and Low-Cost Transceiver Design: High energy efficiency due to EER transmitter class E (no need for bulky heat sinks), and and simple design (no need for complex balanced linear power amplifiers)
13. All-digital and software-based SSB transmitter stage: by controlling the phase of the SI5351 PLL (via a small frequency change on 800kbits/s I2C) and amplitude of PA (via PWM PA key shaping circuit)
14. All-digital and software-based SDR receiver stage (optional): Sample I/Q (complex) signal from quadrature sampling tester digital mixer and mathematically perform a 90-degree phase shift (Hilbert transform) in the piece and cancel one by adding sidebands
15. Three independent switchable analog front end receiver attenuators (0dB, -13dB, -20dB, -33dB, -53dB, -60dB, -73dB)
16. Receiver noise floor MDS: –135 dBm at 28MHz (200Hz BW)
17. Receiver front-end selectivity: +/-2kHz steep -45dB/decade roll-off from tuned frequency
18. Blocking dynamic range: 20kHz offseit 123dB, 2kHz offseit 78dB
19. CW Decoder, Straight/Iambic-A/B Keyer
20. VFO A/B + RIT and Split, and corresponding relays via I2C with filter switching
21. CAT support (using TS-480 protocol)
Package included: